FILESCN2.ZIP 27,452 01-22-96 FILESCAN v1.5 - open files on one or morenetwork servers are scanned and logged for:date, time, conn #, User name, ID#, logindate and time, network address, and any openfiles each user has.
FSL212.ZIP 266,306 02-18-96 FSLOGIN v2.12 <ASP> Full Screen Login forNovell NetWare. Full Screen Login is a loginutility for Novell NetWare users. FSLOGINprovides a userfriendly, menu driveninterface to guide the user through the login
process. This includes prompting for a newpassword before the password actuallyexpires. Version 2 supports NetWare 2, 3 and4, as well as NetWare Directory Services
LAN206.ZIP 158,334 01-01-96 LAN Menu (Network Menu) by MicroFox Company.Menu and Security System for DOS Networks.LANnnn.ZIP contains the Network Menu, HelpSystem, and User Guide. It has Lotus 1-2-3style menu system with password protection,
telephone dialer, on-line help, built-innetwork support and mouse support. ScreenBlanker, 10,000 menu entries, macros and menuaction functions. (Author: Jim Hass) Memberof [ASAD] <ASP> and {STAR}
LIBUP6.ZIP 559,242 01-17-96 (17-01-96) - LIBUP6.EXE - Clib server update
LOGN201.ZIP 57,796 02-19-96 LOGNOTE VERSION 2.01 BY PARADIGM SOFTWARELogNote is a utility that will log notes to afile. LogNote writes the date, time, nodeaddress, Novell user name and a message thatyou specify to this file. Shareware Updates
to program posted on Paradigm Software's BBSat 703-450-0875
SLOG120.ZIP 83,501 02-19-96 SECURE LOGNOTE VER 1.10 BY PARADIGM SOFTWARESLogNote is a utility that will log notes toa file. SLogNote writes the date, time, nodeaddress, Novell user name and a message thatyou specify to this file. 3 translation
utilities included at this time, more to beadded. Check our BBS at 703-450-0875 forlatest translation utilities. Shareware
ST95E321.ZIP 274,479 02-27-96 Stomper v3.21 for Windows 95 Modemsharing innetworks - Modem-Server for Windows 3.x/95Modemclient for Windows 95. NetBEUI orIPX/SPX supported
STPE321.ZIP 166,172 02-20-96 Stomper version 3.21. Modem-/ISDN- sharingfor DOS and Windows. Supports IPX or Netbios.Share a modem or ISDN-adapter in yournetwork. Windows 95-drivers available in aseperate package.
UNGAME21.ZIP 226,036 02-20-96 ===> NO GAMES AT WORK <=== Have you everconsidered how many employee working hoursare wasted playing PC games? What aboutnetwork performance degradation and wasteddisk space? YOU could achieve substantial
savings if you COULD REMOVE GAMES FROM YOURNETWORK. UNGAME can search, detect andoptionally delete games from your networkserver's disk or from individual
UPCOPY.ZIP 102,990 02-27-96 UPCOPY v5 - copies files one or both ways asnecessary to make directories identical,picking out new or updated files. Usefulacross networks to synchronize PCs. Commandline or Windows mouse menu. Professionals